Dino in His Draft Cart in test in San Francisco

Dino in His Draft Cart in test in San Francisco

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Obedience Class

He was definitely doing better by lying on the mat with the chicken. He was really cute and trying different things and then would lye on the mat. We worked on recalls with the assistant in the middle and me calling Dino. He responded pretty good. Heeling was better. I was just doing small, short steps with the treat at my left side and him looking up. By the time we got to the second class at 8 PM his heeling was weaker, so I just went off to the side while the others were heeling and we worked on attention and stays. We started on stands which I have done with him in the past. I am not putting a cue on it yet. Just backing up into him until he stands.

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