Dino in His Draft Cart in test in San Francisco

Dino in His Draft Cart in test in San Francisco

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Second Obedience Class

Dino's second obedience class. I remembered to bring a mat for him to lie on and I got there early to practice walking on a loose leash to the room. He was doing well and figured out about lying on the rug because I would click and treat when he did that. He was definitely very wound up and excited.

We stayed for the second class.

He is offering the down multiple times. I am not clicking when he is just about to down. I will start to click when I tell him to heel. I am luring him in the heel position and clicking and treating when he is in the correct position.

These classes are great to practice on his focus with distractions. He has to learn that he has to pay attention and do things even with distractions.

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